Dummy Insomnia is a third-person sneaking horror game, where you as the player are trying to escape from a facility that you found yourself spawn in. You play as a mannequin that came to life and are trying to find out what exactly happened to you. Use your new body as a way to blend in and avoid the guards from seeing or hearing you!
For Dummy Insomnia, I was both the lead for this project, coordinating the team into achieving their weekly tasks while connecting all of the different department works together, as well as the lead artist. I was in charge of all asset creation and choosing, as well as characters, animations, and shaders. I used ZBrush for characters and Blender for all assets that were made for the game. HDRI was used and all shaders and lighting were custom made for the game.
For the art, I used various poly modelling techniques and unique materials and textures for all assets. The player and enemy characters were modelled and sculpted in ZBrush. For the exit signs which are used to indicate to the player where to go, I used SVG files and converted them into models in Blender. Most of the railing assets were made using curves and screw modifiers. Shaders were created with Unity’s shader graph.